Spoofs , comments and musings about current affairs.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Will Tendulkar have Bombay duck? Bet on it!

The article reports about the betting surrounding Tendulkar’s last outing, in detail.

OPAD: During IPL-6 season, there was a big hungama on betting issue and lot of investigative reports were churned out by the media. Now, if there is such an open knowledge about people involved in betting, why no one is talking of catching them?
Is betting a crime only if a fall guy is involved and betting is ok if it’s about God of cricket?

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Recently US secretary of state admitted that spying went too far and also assured that innocent people are not abused.

It’s fantastic news. Here is an idea for app developers which I like to share.

In this era of utter suspicion, now it is possible to prove our innocence instantly that too with big brother’s approval.

The digital certificate can be generated and will be valid for use at visa processing specially by US and generally for employers.

The app “prove-your-innocence” should be downloadable freely on to our mobile. However app developer can earn millions by charging for the digital certificate generated each time.

The app “prove-your-innocence” is activated by tapping on its icon. Then the app searches for the mobile number through the NSA database. If there is no match, the app should be able to search through the database of Assange and Snowden to be able to doubly sure of the fact.

Once it’s sure that the mobile number is not found in any of those databases, it is very clear that the particular mobile is not under surveillance and hence the owner of the mobile is innocent. 

The app will generate an innocence certificate counter signed (digitally) by both US president and NSA chief. This certificate will be useful for getting employment and specially for visa processing at US consulate!

OPAD : The fall out of extensive spying is ;
              German Merkel is not credible,
              French Hollande can’t be blended with NATO,
              Putin is uncertain and

              Even for Pope there is no hope!!!.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


There is always other perspective and another dimension (OPAD) in everything like different shades of light and darkness. It is so similar to the continuum of changing days and nights.

Let this Deepawali herald the wisdom of being comfortable with every OPAD. Let us all be capable of enjoying the sunny days, starry nights, cloudy days and chilly nights with matching poise.

Wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous DEEPAWALI.
